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Reporting on Resource Group Tags in Azure

You might have seen either of Mike's blog posts on resource groups or resource tagging or just be looking to generate a report on resource group tags in Azure, if so, you're in the right place. Yesterday we were taking a look at our subscription and looking to clean up some resources.  We needed a report to review Azure resource groups and their tags.  While this relatively easy to do with PowerShell, getting a report that you can share easily was a little harder. I thought I would take some time and write a PowerShell script to generate a report utilizing ReportHTML powershell module.

Resource Group Tag Report Generated with ReportHTML

Just like most things in IT there were a few bumps in the road.  Mainly that tag names are in a hashtable and that they are case sensitive.  I wrote some code to auto-discover key names and it will prefix the key name with a number so you can find all case versions of a tag and correct them if needed. This report also includes a hyperlink to take you directly to the resource in Azure.

Once you know the tag names you want to report on you can specify them as an array and pass that in as a parameter. If you specify the Tag Names array the first two tag names will be used to generate some pie charts as shown above. EG -KeyNames=@("Owner","Solution").  By default, the report is generated in your temp directory. You can use the -ReportOutputPath param to specify an output path.  There is also a parameter for your logo URL.  It must be a small image -YouLogoHereURLString

You can view and install this report from the PowerShell Gallery here using the following Install-Script -Name run-ReportAzureResourceGroupTags

Or here is the code.


Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Array]$KeyNames, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String]$ReportOutputPath, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String]$YouLogoHereURLString )

[switch]$AutoKeyName =$false $m = Get-Module -List ReportHTML if(!$m) {"Can't locate module ReportHTML. Use Install-module ReportHTML";break} else {import-module reporthtml}

if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($(Get-AzureRmContext).Account)) {Login-AzureRmAccount}

$RGs = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup if ($KeyNames.count -eq 0) { [switch]$AutoKeyName =$true $KeyNames = (($rgs.Tags.keys) | select -Unique) }

$SubscriptionRGs = @() foreach ($RG in $RGs) {

$myRG = [PSCustomObject]@{ ResourceGroupName = $RG.ResourceGroupName Location = $RG.Location Link = ("URL01" + "https" + "://" + "" + $RG.ResourceId + "URL02" + ($RG.ResourceId.Split('/') | select -last 1) + "URL03" ) }

$i=0 foreach ($KeyName in $KeyNames) { if ($AutoKeyName) { $myRG | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ([string]$i + "_" + $keyname) -Value $rg.Tags.($KeyName) $i++ } else { $myRG | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ($keyname) -Value $rg.Tags.($KeyName) } } $SubscriptionRGs += $myRG }

$rpt = @() if ($YouLogoHereURLString -ne $null) { $rpt += Get-HTMLOpenPage -TitleText "Azure Resource Groups" -LeftLogoString $YouLogoHereURLString -RightLogoString ("https" + "://" + "") } else { $rpt += Get-HTMLOpenPage -TitleText "Azure Resource Groups" }

if (!$AutoKeyName) { $Pie1 = $SubscriptionRGs| group $KeyNames[0] $Pie2 = $SubscriptionRGs| group $KeyNames[1]

$Pie1Object = Get-HTMLPieChartObject -ColorScheme Random $Pie2Object = Get-HTMLPieChartObject -ColorScheme Generated

$rpt += Get-HTMLContentOpen -HeaderText "Pie Charts" $rpt += Get-HTMLColumnOpen -ColumnNumber 1 -ColumnCount 2 $rpt += Get-HTMLPieChart -ChartObject $Pie1Object -DataSet $Pie1 $rpt += Get-HTMLColumnClose $rpt += Get-HTMLColumnOpen -ColumnNumber 2 -ColumnCount 2 $rpt += Get-HTMLPieChart -ChartObject $Pie2Object -DataSet $Pie2 $rpt += Get-HTMLColumnClose $rpt += Get-HTMLContentclose }

$rpt += Get-HTMLContentOpen -HeaderText "Complete List" $rpt += Get-HTMLContentdatatable -ArrayOfObjects ( $SubscriptionRGs) $rpt += Get-HTMLContentClose

$rpt += Get-HTMLClosePage

if ($ReportOutputPath -ne $null) { Save-HTMLReport -ShowReport -ReportContent $rpt -ReportName ResourceGroupTags } else { Save-HTMLReport -ShowReport -ReportContent $rpt -ReportName ResourceGroupTags -ReportPath $ReportOutputPath } [/powershell]

There is a lot more that can be done with this code so please feel free to share your ideas and code below for others. If you want to add your own logos or edit the style of the report, check out the help file here or run Get-htmlReportHelp with the module installed.  I hope you find this helpful
