Crying Cloud

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Creating an Azure Stack AD FS SPN for use with az CLI

Following on from my previous blog post on filling in the gaps for AD FS on Azure Stack integrated systems, here are some more complete instructions on creating a Service Principal on Azure Stack systems using AD FS as the identity provider. Why do you need this? Well, check out the following scenarios as taken from

There are many scenarios that require the use of a service principal name (SPN) for authentication. The following are some examples:

  • CLI usage with AD FS deployment of Azure Stack

  • System Center Management Pack for Azure Stack when deployed with AD FS

  • Resource providers in Azure Stack when deployed with AD FS

  • Various third party applications

  • You require a non-interactive logon

I’ve highlighted the first point ‘CLI usage with AD FS deployment of Azure Stack’. This is significant as AD FS only supports interactive login. At this point in time, the AZ CLI does not support interactive mode, so you must use a service principal.

There are a few areas that weren’t clear to me at first, so I worked it all out and tried to simplify the process.

At a high level, these are the tasks:

  • Create an X509 certificate (or use an existing one) to use for authentication

  • Create a new Service Principal (Graph Application) on the internal Azure Stack domain via PEP PowerShell session

  • Return pertinent details, such as Client ID, cert thumbprint, Tenant ID and relevant external endpoints for the Azure Stack instance

  • Export the certificate as PFX (for use on clients using PowerShell) and PEM file including private certificate (for use with Azure CLI)

  • Give the Service Principal permissions to the subscription

Here’s the link to the official doc’s:

I’ve automated the process by augmenting the script provided in the link above. It creates a self-signed cert, AD FS SPN and files required to connect. It needs to be run on a system that has access to the PEP and also has the Azure Stack PowerShell module installed.

The script includes the steps to export the PFX (so you can use it with PowerShell on other systems) and PEM files, plus output ALL the relevant info you will need to connect via AZ CLI/ PoSh

See this content in the original post

Here is an example of the output produced:

Next, connect to the Tenant Portal and give the Service Principal access to the subscription you want it to have access to:

Once you’ve done the above, here are the high-level steps to use the Service Principal account with Azure CLI:

  • Trust the Azure Stack CA Root Certificate (if using Enterprise CA / ASDK) within AZ CLI (Python). This is a one-time operation per system you’re running AZ CLI on.

  • Register Azure Stack environment (either tenant/user or admin)

  • Set the active cloud environment for CLI

  • Set the CLI to use Azure Stack compatible API version

  • Sign into the Azure Stack environment with service principal account

For reference, here are the official links with the information on how to do it. It works well, so just follow those:

See this content in the original post