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Developing an Azure Service Bus PowerShell Module – Part 1

This is part one of a multi-part post. Here are links to all the posts in this series. Developing an Azure Service Bus PowerShell Module – Part 1/

Part 2 – Developing the First Test Using Pester

Part 3 – More Tests, this time with Pester's Mock

Part 4 – Coding the PowerShell Module


On my current project, we've had a work item on our backlog for some time to provide a way for us to receive and submit messages to Azure Service Bus queues. What we really need is a way to receive dead-letter messages and re-submit them after fixing the underlying issue that caused them to dead-letter in the first place.

We have been using the excellent Service Bus Explorer for this purpose. Unfortunately, that tool doesn't serialize the message body quite right when we re-submit batches of messages; we could only repair and re-submit messages one at a time. So, my team decided we needed to build our own tooling for this purpose. We didn't want to build anything too fancy, a couple of PowerShell cmdlets would be perfect for what we were envisioning. I took on the task because I wanted to test drive Pester, PowerShell's unit test framework.

Starting with the Goal in Mind

I figure we need two cmdlets:

  • Receive-QueueMessage
  • Submit-QueueMessage

Receive and Submit seem like good names as they work well with the semantics of queues. Unfortunately, Receive and Submit are not standard PowerShell verbs, so I decided to go with the following:

  • Read-QueueMessage
  • New-QueueMessage

The parameter sets of the cmdlets should look something like this:

Read-QueueMessage -Namespace <string> -QueueName <string> -Deadletter <flag> -Count <int> -CorrelationId <guid> -Peek <flag> -PolicyName <string> -SKey <string>

New-QueueMessage -Namespace <string> -QueueName <string> -Message <string> -CorrelationId <guid> -PolicyName <string> -Key <string>

Creating the Project

My team uses Git and Visual Studio Team Services for our source control repository. I started by creating a feature branch in Git by branching off the main develop branch.

Next I created the project. I used the PowerShell Module Project template and named the project Avanade.ServiceBus, which will be the name of the module.

Note: You will need to install PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio 2017 for this tooling to show up.

The project template creates a module file, a Pester test file and the module manifest file. Initially, they don't do very much. I'm going to start by stubbing out the functions that will become my cmdlets. Initially, all they will do is throw an exception.

[powershell] <# Read-QueueMessage #> function Read-QueueMessage { throw [NotImplementedException] }

<# New-QueueMessage #> function New-QueueMessage { throw [NotImplementedException] }

Export-ModuleMember -Function Read-QueueMessage Export-ModuleMember -Function New-QueueMessage


Next, I coded the Pester test file. The first thing we need is some boilerplate code so that the test file will load the module it is testing.

[powershell] $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.ps1', '.psm1' Import-Module "$here\$sut" -Force [/powershell]

Next, I add two simple tests. The tests don't do anything other than call the module functions, which will throw the NotImplementedException. That will indicate the test file is wired up the module file correctly. The test file looks like this.

[powershell] # # This is a PowerShell Unit Test file. # You need a unit test framework such as Pester to run PowerShell Unit tests. # You can download Pester from # $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.ps1', '.psm1' Import-Module "$here\$sut" -Force

Describe "Read-QueueMessage" { Context "No Parameters" { It "Should Throw Exception" { Read-QueueMessage } } }

Describe "New-QueueMessage" { Context "No Parameters" { It "Should Throw Exception" { New-QueueMessage } } } [/powershell] Finally, I r-click the test file in Solution Explorer, and choose Execute as Script.

The results show up in the PowerShell Interactive Window.

As expected, both tests are failing because the stubbed module functions are throwing the NotImplementedException. This tells me that the test file is wired up to the module file and everything is working as expected.

This is a good time to commit my changes.

This post covered getting started creating a PowerShell module using Visual Studio 2017. It highlighted using Visual Studio's Git integration for source control operations and Test-Driven Development using Pester. In the next post, I will add additional tests and explore Pester's capabilities in depth.


Approved Verbs for Windows PowerShell Commands

PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio 2017