Event Hubs

Rotating Event Hubs RP External Certificate on Azure Stack Hub

I have been testing the Event Hubs public preview release for Azure Stack Hub, looking at the install process and what kind of actions an Operator would need to do to keep things running. One of the important ones for me, are rotating secrets / certificates. If your certificates expire, you won’t be able to access the RP, hence the importance.

If you check the current documentation for rotating secrets , it is the generic instructions for rotating external certificates for the Azure Stack Hub Stamp. I expect that this will be corrected in the near future, but until then , how do you do go about it for the Public Preview?

Firstly, you need the latest version of the Azure Stack Hub PowerShell modules:

Then you need to connect to your Azure Stack Hub Admin environment. Use the steps detailed in the following article : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure-stack/operator/azure-stack-powershell-configure-admin?view=azs-2002

(Remember if using the Az Module to rename the Commands per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure-stack/operator/powershell-install-az-module?view=azs-2002#7-use-the-az-module)

Copy the Event Hubs pfx file to a local directory and run the following script (The example is using theAz module)t:

$ProductId = 'microsoft.eventhub'
$productVersion = (Get-AzsProductDeployment -ProductId microsoft.eventhub).properties.deployment.version
$PackageId = ('{0}.{1}' -f $ProductId, $productVersion)
$packageSecret = ((Get-AzsProductSecret -PackageId $PackageId).value.name).split('/')[2]
$certPath = 'C:\AzsCerts\EventHubs\cert.pfx'

$pfxPassword = (ConvertTo-SecureString '<pfxPassword>' -AsPlainText -Force)
Set-AzsProductSecret -PackageId $PackageId -SecretName $packageSecret -PfxFileName $certPath  -PfxPassword $pfxPassword -Force -Verbose

Invoke-AzsProductRotateSecretsAction -ProductId $ProductId

Modify the $certPath variable and <pfxPassword> to match what you have set and then run the script.

The process will take quite a long time to complete. Whilst the operation is taking place, you will receive the status of the command.

If you choose to stop the CmdLet/script, the process will continue in the background. You can check the status at anytime by running the following:

(Get-AzsProductDeployment -ProductId microsoft.eventhub).properties

You should see something like this when the process is still running:

… and when successfully finished:

Hope that helps until the official documentation is released!

Article updated 16 July 2020 with an updated method to obtain the secret name, provided by @kongou_ae - Thanks!