Capturing and using API queries from Azure in PowerShell with Fiddler

Capturing and using API queries from Azure in PowerShell with Fiddler

This is a walkthrough for using Fiddler to capture traffic to Azure from a browser and writing and running that query in PowerShell.  I wrote this because I don't like posts that skip over a key step and explain the entire thing with a wave of the hand.  Although this article stands on it own, it is a key step in another series.

Resource Tagging Best Practices Applied (Part 2 – Enforcement)

Resource Tagging Best Practices Applied (Part 2 – Enforcement)

This post is following on from part 1 about resource tagging on resource groups where we setup azure policies to look for the existence of resource tags on resource groups.  While this is helpful to understand the scale of the problem, the real problem is getting people to tag their resource groups when they create them.  I work with a bunch of misfits and mavericks and while all brilliant in their own right, asking them to do anything as simple as tagging their stuff is about as futile as yelling at the rain to stop.