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Generating HTML Reports in PowerShell – Part 2

Welcome BackHopefully you found Part 1 in this series about generating HTML reports useful. That was an introduction to the basic functions and how to construct a report using ReportHTML module, available through the PowerShell Gallery or can be installed from PowerShell using install-module -name ReportHTML.  Additionally you can contribute via github ReportHTML. Now we are going to build upon those functions and show what else we can do with this module.

Pre-requisites To continue with these examples you will need the code to create the Azure VMs recordset and other session variables from Part 1.  Here is a link for the code for part 2 with comments Report-AzureVMsExamples_Part2WithComments and code without comments Report-AzureVMsExamples_Part2

Adding HyperLinks (Example 6) In this example we are going to create a Hyperlink as a string of values. To do this we need to wrap the hyperlink and the link name in three strings URL01, URL02 and URL03. The construction of a link will look like this. ("URL01 "+ HyperLink + "URL02" + LinkName + "URL03"). We will do this in the below example and create the structure of a hyperlink to the Azure Virtual Machine for each row in the recordset.

[powershell] ####### Example 6 ######## # We need to set some variables for building the URLs to the Azure Resource $Base = "" $SubID = $AzureRMAccount.Context.Subscription.SubscriptionId $RG = "/resourceGroups/" $vm = "/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/"

$rpt = @() $rpt += Get-HtmlOpen -TitleText ($ReportName + " Example 6") $rpt += Get-HtmlContentOpen -HeaderText "Virtual Machines"

# Using the expression we can create an expression for each record. # We string the base URL with the subscription ID add the resource group and VM name, # This link is used between URL01 and URL02 we reuse the VM name for the link name and add URL03 $rpt += Get-HtmlContentTable ($RMVMArray | select ResourceGroup, ` @{Name="Azure VM";Expression={"URL01" + $Base + $SubID + $RG + $_."ResourceGroup" + $vm + $_."Name" + "URL02" + $_."Name" + "URL03" }}, ` location, Size,PowerState, DataDiskCount, ImageSKU ) -GroupBy ResourceGroup

$rpt += Get-HtmlContentClose $rpt += Get-HtmlClose

Test-Report -TestName Example6 [/powershell]


Adding dynamic row colors (Example 7 & 8) In this example we are going to use an to add a colour name to a recordset, which when passed passed to the table content function will render in HTML with colour. There are three colors you can set, green, yellow and red. The first step is to create an expressions that can be evaluated. For this example we are going to color row based on the number of hard disks attached to the VM. You must use a single quote for this expression, that is '. In the expression the work $this is used to represent the current record. In this case we create three expressions, one for each color.

[powershell] ####### Example 7 ######## $VMs = ($RMVMArray | select ResourceGroup, Name, Location, Size,PowerState, DataDiskCount, ImageSKU )

# You must use single quotes here for the expression $Red = '$this.DataDiskCount -ge 2' $Yellow = '$this.DataDiskCount -eq 1' $Green = '$this.DataDiskCount -lt 1'

# call the function and pass the array and color expressions $VMsColoured = Set-TableRowColor $VMs -Red $Red -Yellow $Yellow -Green $Green

# let's just see what the function did $VMsColoured | select ResourceGroup ,name, datadiskcount , RowColor -first 30

$rpt = @() $rpt += Get-HtmlOpen -TitleText ($ReportName + "Example 7") $rpt += Get-HtmlContentOpen -HeaderText "Virtual Machines" $rpt += Get-HtmlContentTable $VMsColoured $rpt += Get-HtmlContentClose $rpt += Get-HtmlClose

Test-Report -TestName Example7 [/powershell]


[powershell] ####### Example 8 ######## $rpt = @() $rpt += Get-HtmlOpen -TitleText ($ReportName + "Example 8") $rpt += Get-HtmlContentOpen -HeaderText "Virtual Machines"

# here we can sort the rows so the colours are grouped together $rpt += Get-HtmlContentTable ( $VMsColoured | sort DataDiskCount) $rpt += Get-HtmlContentClose $rpt += Get-HtmlClose



Summary I hope this has been a useful and you can see potential for using this module in your own scripting. There is still a few more examples to work through. Stay tuned for Part 3. Additionally I will be loading the project into Github.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | More