I have noticed on a few occasions that for a tenant subscription hosted in an Azure Stack region that I am either unable to view the IAM permissions, or add a user/service principal/group for the subscription. I have needed to do this to assign a service principal as a contributor to a subscription so that I can deploy a Kubernetes cluster via AKSE.
Typically for viewing the permissions, clicking on the Refresh button does the trick. More problematic is adding permissions via the portal. Doing so renders a screen like below:
As highlighted, the animated ‘dots’ show the blade constantly trying to retrieve the data but can’t. It is actually a known issue and is highlighted in the release notes.
The remediation it offers is to use PowerShell to verify the permissions, and gives a link to the Get-AzureRmRoleAssignment CmdLet. Not helpful if you want to set permissions, so here’s a step-by-step description of what you’ll need to do.
Your user account is the owner of the subscriptions when they were set up.
You have the correct PowerShell for Azure Stack Hub installed
For the example shown, I am using Azure AD identities, I have more than one tenant subscription assigned to my user account and I am adding a service principal. At the end of the post, I will show the commands for adding a group or a user .
From PowerShell, connect to the tenant subscription you want to change the permissions on. The documentation is for connecting as an operator, so here’s how to do it as a user:
$Region = '<yourRegion>'
$FQDN = '<yourFQDN>'
$AADTenantName = '<yourAADTenantName>'
$envName = "AzureStack$region"
# Register an Azure Resource Manager environment that targets your Azure Stack instance. Get your Azure Resource Manager endpoint value from your service provider.
Add-AzureRMEnvironment -Name $envName -ArmEndpoint "https://management.$Region.$FQDN" `
-AzureKeyVaultDnsSuffix vault.$Region.$FQDN `
-AzureKeyVaultServiceEndpointResourceId https://vault.$Region.$FQDN
# Set your tenant name.
$AuthEndpoint = (Get-AzureRmEnvironment -Name $envName).ActiveDirectoryAuthority.TrimEnd('/')
$TenantId = (invoke-restmethod "$($AuthEndpoint)/$($AADTenantName)/.well-known/openid-configuration").issuer.TrimEnd('/').Split('/')[-1]
# After signing in to your environment, Azure Stack cmdlets
# can be easily targeted at your Azure Stack instance.
Add-AzureRmAccount -EnvironmentName $envName -TenantId $TenantId
As I have more than one subscription, let’s get a list so we can select the correct one:
Get-AzureRmSubscription | ft Name
I got the following output:
I want to modify the AKSTest subscription:
#Set the context
$ctx = set-azurermcontext -Subscription AKSTest
Running that command, I get :
Cool; I’ve got the correct subscription now, so let’s list the permissions assigned to it:
OK, so those are the standard permissions assigned when the subscription is created. Let’s add a service principal.
First, let’s get the service principal object
Get-AzureRmADServicePrincipal | ? {$_.DisplayName -like '*something*'} |ft DisplayName
I want to assign AKSEngineDemo
$spn = Get-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -SearchString AKSEngineDemo
Lets assign the service principal to the tenant subscription:
New-AzureRmRoleAssignment -ObjectId $spn.Id -RoleDefinitionName Contributor -scope "/subscriptions/$($ctx.Subscription.Id)"
When I take a look in the portal now (after doing a refresh :) ), I see the following:
Here’s the commands for adding an Azure AD User:
#Find the User object you want to add
Get-AzureRmADUser | ? {$_.DisplayName -like '*something*'} |ft DisplayName
#Assign the object using the displayname of the user
$ADUser = Get-AzureRmADUser -SearchString <UserName>
New-AzureRmRoleAssignment -ObjectId $ADUser.Id -RoleDefinitionName Contributor -scope "/subscriptions/$($ctx.Subscription.Id)"
Finally, how to add an Azure AD Group:
#Find the Group object you want to add
Get-AzureRmADGroup | ? {$_.DisplayName -like '*something*'} |ft DisplayName
#Assign the object using the displayname of the user
$ADGroup = Get-AzureRmADGroup -SearchString <GroupName>
New-AzureRmRoleAssignment -ObjectId $ADGroup.Id -RoleDefinitionName Contributor -scope "/subscriptions/$($ctx.Subscription.Id)"